Almost midnight and still no idea whether I'll be an Assembly Member tomorrow. I'm blogging from a BBC computer in Cardiff - and I'm feeling tense. Wife and I went to the Custom House earlier and we looked through the 2003 results. Have to admit there is a scenario in which I could be out - and I must admit that I would be upset about it. Nice wine with the monkfish though. Recommend the Custom House.
Just did Call to Order with Patrick Hanaan and his first question is what is my prediction. Answer - same as its been for a year. Labour 24, possibly 25. Plaid Cymru 13, possibly 14. Conservatives 14, possibly 13. Lib Dems 7. Inds 2. Next question was about coalitions and I started going on about the 'Rainbow Coalition' again. When I said that my main objective was to put Labour into opposition, Patrick snapped back as I knew he would "So its anything for power!". Well, Yes Patrick, politics is about power. No point just sitting on the opposition benches as a powerless 'ginger group'.
Blamerbell is having a sickening level of promotion tonight. The BBC are bulling him up as Wales premier political blogger. He is good though. Compulsive reading for me. Its wonderful how relaxing a few minutes blogging is. I feel almost serene. Now its back to the Panel to comment on the results. Going to be a long night.
Do pop by to the Pobl y cwm bar if you get a chance later, Glyn.
I hope that you keep up the blog whether you're elected or not. And I should have thought that after all the plugs I've given you, you might be a little less sick at the thought I'd get a couple of mentions:)
Glyn, very very sorry you won'r be back. You've made a significant contribution to the development of Welsh politics. I hope that's some comfort
I'm Gutted. Tories win seats left right and centre and the only one I actually quite like loses as a result.
I hope like Arnie, you'll be back.
Very sorry to see you go.
Commiserations. Make sure you find your way back.
Glyn so sad you were a good honest AM please stay in the frame
Sorry to hear that you're out, Glyn. I hope you stay in politics and come back next time.
Glyn it is the Assembly's loss that you are not a member. You have made an excellent contribution over the past 8 years. You think outside the box and more than anyone you have made the Conservatives rethink their attitude to Welsh politics.It really is a crazy electoral system that sees a party that does well on the first past the post then be punished on the list. The present arrangement is a fudge which should be changed. You would still be a member if there was STV or an open list system.As a Labour party member I have enjoyed meeting you in the past and blogged on your site on a number of occasions.Best of luck for the future. You can be proud of the contribution you have made in establishing the Assembly.
Dw i'n credu bod y Cynulliad am fod yn dlotach hebddoch, Glyn. Dw i'n mawr obeithio y byddwch yn parhau i flogio cymaint ag erioed. Mae'n chwa o awyr iach (dw i ddim yn meddwl 'mod i erioed wedi gadael sylw o'r blaen, ond dw i'n darllen pob gair)
Gorllewin Caerfyrddin yn edrych fel tipyn o sioc i bawb, gan gynnwys Angela!
Siom fwya'r ymgyrch Glyn, a dwi ddim yn pledleisio Tori.
I'm sorry.The Assembly needs talented politicians badly and can ill afford to lose you.
How about a seat in the Lords? Nick Crickhowell and Wyn Roberts could do with a fresh pair of legs.
Rydw i'n drist iawn i weld na fyddech chi'n y Cynulliad, Glyn.
You'll be missed.
Commiserations Glyn, I do hope you'll stick around the Welsh political conversation with your blogging anyway and I'm a first timer here. I've always thought you far more an Assembly Member than a tory (There's compliment in there I promise), losing a tory is easy, losing a great assembly man is somewhat harder.
Heyl fawr.... am nawr?
You are all so kind. I admit that I feel a bit desolate at the moment. I called my last blog 'The Last Post' and I'm reading the eulogy at a funeral tomorrow. Things can only get better. Probably be gone for a while - while I rebuild my spirits. Happy blogging
Absolutely gutting. I can't think of anyone I'd have wanted to lose less in the outgoing Tory group. Enjoy your sojourn from the Welsh political scene, and do come back when they get rid of Peter Hain's jerry-mandering joke of an electoral system!
we never met. i'm a labour party member, and a tribal one at that.
but i wanted to say the welsh conservatives would never have been in such a strong position, had it not been for you.
i'm reading john major's autobiog at the moment, the bit about 1992 when chris patten made your party re-elected, but lost his own seat in the process. i think you're wales' chris patten. i'm sure your best contributions to welsh public life are yet to come.
best wishes from left.
In the short time I have read you whilst residing in the mountains of Colorado, and now residing in the dusty Kansas Plains you are one of the few politicians who put principle before party.
The other that I have known personally was Cllr Charlie Gale who stood up to Russell Goodway.
You are a rare breed, its a shame that this cockamamie system got you.
Don't go away! there always be a byelection!! When I move back to Wales, I'll seek you out!
Mike in dusty kansas
Glyn, you are an honest man of integrity. The Conservative Group should sorely miss your contribution. You showed them up with your honest take on issues and your passion for life.
Hope you'll be back.
Sorry to see you out. For a Tory, I quite liked you.
Look on the bright side Glyn, you are no longer an AM in a party that shows nothing but contempt for the rights of old people as evidenced by the intense emotional trauma inflicted on the residents of Iorwerth Home in Cardiff. Something that Cardiff Lib-Dem councillors will pay a heavy price come 2008.
arsembly has started a campaign for lord davies of montgomeryshire. if only the tories were that smart. you would be a nightmare for plaid cymru.
A sad loss for Conservatives in Wales here. I hope Mr Davies continues to stay active within the party in Wales.
Unlike a lot of the people who say you weren't bad even though you are Tory, I'll say you are a good guy and a good Tory.
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