Must apologise to readers. I've been away since Monday lunchtime. London and Cardiff - and the NFU AGM tonight. Long interview with Martin Shipton for the Western Mail this afternoon about the approaching turbulence between Westminster and the National Assembly - and how I think it can be lessened. Not removed completely, because the Government of Wales Act is not what MPs want - and do not realise they voted for. Too late and too knackered to blog now. Quck shower and off to join Mrs D. Blogging frenzy tomorrow.
This "Quck shower" - is it some kind of defense against the dark arts? If so, where does Martin Shipton fit in? Your avid fans have a right to know.
Sorry for the double, but as we are on the gentle subject of Martin Shipton ... anyone read his latest article in the Western Mail and the curious case of Peter Black's mick taking of fellow Liberal Democratic AM Eleanor Burnham. I do, really I do, admire Peter Black - he speaks his mind and will take the mickey out of anyone - including members of his own small party.
Christopher - couldn't resist posting on the spendid spoof Press Release. Just done it.
I notice that you were introduced by Phil Parry as the president of the CPRW, while Tamsin Dunwoody (glad to see she's dropped the unmemorable and awkward "Kneavesy") was the "former Labour AM".
Is this because:
A. Ms Dunwoody has not picked up useful employment since being voted out;
B. You continue to be ashamed of your membership of the Tory Party;
C. It's a typical attempt by the BBC (which stands for "Bullied and Browbeaten by the Conservatives") to present you as an unbiased observer?
Yrs in jest,
Frank Little
No idea Frank. My media profile is mostly as President of CPRW at present - though today's Western Mail article is very political. I don't think anyone would think of me as being anything other than Conservative. I am very pround to be involved with the CPRW and to be a Conservative.
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