From time to time we all say something silly. Any search through the writings of Aristotle, Churchill, Seneddwr or even Martin Shipton will find something that would have been better left unsaid. But experience has taught me that it takes a very clever man to say something that is total c**p. Which brings me to Adam Price, Plaid Cymru MP and occasional nonsense talker.
According to David Williamson in today's Western Mail, Adam is saying that the Conservatives have reached a 'high water mark' in Wales, unless it severs its links with the Westminster Party. He glosses over the fact that his own base is Westminster. Adam is reported to have said "I'd be the first to rejoice at the creation of a genuinely autonomous Conservative Party, but I don't see it happening because I don't think the social base is there for them." All I can do is wonder what on earth he's talking about. In any case, I don't believe that he would rejoice. And what is this social base he's on about? And then we have the rather dismissive comment that "They were prepared to live with Nick Bourne's support for a Plaid Cymru led government because of the prospect of power". He seems to be forgetting that Plaid Cymru were content to enter coalition with us until the Lib Dems cocked it up. And is he trying to tell us that the prospect of power is something that isn't supposed to be an objective of any political party.
Well I believe that Adam Price and his Gramsci inspired colleagues are in for a bit of a surprise. Despite the decision of Plaid Cymru to throw in their lot with the Labour Party, Nick Bourne is not backing off his commitment to devolution one inch. Quite right too. Absolutely correctly, he is telling the people of Wales that Plaid Cymru have rejected a document, the All Wales Accord which may be a 'work in progress', but tells the people of Wales about the general direction in which we have changed. Its Adam, armed with his misguided, socialism-driven, intellectual thought processes that has persuaded Plaid to make a monumental mistake.
The next stage of Conservative development in Wales will be through its preparation for the next General Election. The focus is going to move from the Nation Assembly to the attitude of Westminster MPs and candidates. And what Adam will find is that the Consevative appeal to Welsh electors is going to be more devolutionary than that of the Party he's just climbed into bed with. Like a lot of other Plaid supporters he's going to find himself thinking about another bed in which he would find rather more comfort. While he's busy compromising, theorising and retro-fitting, the occupant of the other bed is going to become ever more enticing. The Conservative Party didn't want devolution - but when we were forced to accept it in 1997, we resolved to make a success of it. The long term consequence of this is that the purpose of Plaid Cymru is going to be extinquished. All Adam Price is doing is speeding up the process.
No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. So far as I am concerned, they are lower than vermin.
Always good to see a fair minded and logical post devoid of emotion.
Nye! I understand your view the Welsh nationalists was lower than that of the Tories
Aneurin said...""
I won't quote it, I can't believe that the Tories are still regarded with such venom from some quarters. We've just had ten years of New Labour and that has left us much worse off than under a Tory government.
I'm not a Tory but I think those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
I'll say one thing for you glyn, you dont give up. no matter how much they try to kill off the tories you are determined to keep them in there. good on you.
Anon expects me to post on this 'devoid of emotion. Well, I can't. I am bloody upset that the rainbow didn't fly and I blame Adam Price for it. He was given a superb intellect at birth and he has used it very unwisely - and in my opinion in a way that is not in the interests of Wales.
I so wanted to see us in Government, proving people like Aneurin to be wrong.
And no I don't give up. It looks to me as if this red/green coalition is quite unstable. If I succeed in becoming a parliamentary candidate in 11 days time, I will set about trying to use the General Election as the launch pad for a serious bid for power in Wales in 2011. It is time my nation stopped being a one party state.
Price likes Gramsci. Interestingly enough Gramsci used to be a pal of Mussolini.
Mussolili was also a socialist of a sort who believed that 'the state' always had the answer.
Price likes Gramsci. Interestingly enough Gramsci used to be a pal of Mussolini.
Isn't this the kind of smear that Labourites have indulged in... scratch a Rainbowite and you soon see their true colours.
"He was given a superb intellect at birth and he has used it very unwisely"
Doesn't reading your own words incline you to hand your head in shame?
As for Ordo, - beyond the pale!
Glyn "I am bloody upset that the rainbow didn't fly and I blame Adam Price for it"
You yourself have said opreviously who is to blame - the Lib Dems, not Adam Price.
As for his recent 'contribution', it could be argued with equal weight that his comments only served to fan the the fire of opponents to the deal in the Labour Party.
Nick Bourne, by his own, words is determined to see the Conservatives go 'further' in their committment to devolution. I have no reason to doubt him. Whether this is conviction or pragmatism is immaterial. Welsh Labour's decision tonight will only have strengthened his hand in his dealings with HQ, as Labour's vote marks a significant power shift to Cardiff in a party still highly sceptical of further devolution.
It is gladdening to hear that the Conservative Party in Wales favours devolution and will work to extend it.
What I would like to know is : does the party also favour independence? Somehow I think not. But for Wales that is the inevitable outcome of the process of devolution, and in Scotland the same.
I trust that the Tories will work for the cause of independence. It does not have to be the prerogative of Plaid Cymru.
Does it?
Isn't this the kind of smear that Labourites have indulged in... scratch a Rainbowite and you soon see their true colours.
Another valuable contribution by Hafod. Apparently pointing out the obvious is cognate as "smearing" someone now is it? Scratch Hafod, find an idiot.
As for Ordo, - beyond the pale!
Facts aren't convenient sometimes, are they Anonymoron?
glyn davies said:
" I am bloody upset that the rainbow didn't fly and I blame Adam Price for it. He was given a superb intellect at birth and he has used it very unwisely - and in my opinion in a way that is not in the interests of Wales."
many in plaid would agree with you as well.
Who said Wales needs a Mussolini? The Welsh Nats of course. Who were influenced by the philosophy of extreme right wing racist group Action Francaise? The Welsh nats of course. Gramsci died in a Fascist prison which is more than can be said for fellow travellers of the far right such as Saunders Lewis
Like you I am a Welshman born and brought up here. Unlike you I live and work where the vast majority of the population resides. If you think the Tories are going to become a popular party in Wales, to the point that they have a moral mandate to be in government you are in fantasy land.
Where I come from there are a set of values based on equality, fair play and being one's 'brother's keeper' that is totally at odds with everything your party stands for. The reason you never have and never will get more than a quarter of the vote is that the Welsh people are uncomfortable with the selfish individualism that underlies your ideology. No amount of re branding or fronting up with personable mavericks like you and Melding will change that.
This coalition will I suspect be a success. Personally I relish the prospect of working with bright fellow socialist travellers like, Adam, Leanne and Helen Mary. Do you seriously think these individuals will ever deliver the poor and the vulnerable in Wales into the hands of the Tories?
Incidently I have enjoyed our blogging exchanges, you have been a worthy and fun opponent. But with my mission accomplished and people of Wales back in the hands of caring socialists, I shall now be signing off............well unless provocated......
Good luck - Patriot
alanindyfed wrote:
does the party also favour independence? Somehow I think not. But for Wales that is the inevitable outcome of the process of devolution, and in Scotland the same.
There is no evidence for that. Several european countries have devolved parliaments and assemblies, as does the United States. No sign of any of them going independent.
Some good comments. gwe is right though. It was the Lib Dems who derailed the Rainbow. Its just that in my opinion, it was Adam who prevented it getting back on track.
alan - No, we do not believe that 'independence' is the right way forward for Wales. And I don't agree that devolution inevitable leads to independence either. Alwyn ap huw has been posting some good stuff on the relationship between the two - even if I completely disagree with him and his fellow travellers.
Patriot - sorry to lose you. Think of you as sort of 'polite' aneurin. Tell me when you're back.
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