Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dragon'a Eye Tonight

Are we Tories really that bad. First of all we have Plaid Cymru trying to do a deal with Labour despite all these Labour stalwarts talking about Plaid on tonight's programme as if the 'Party of Wales' carries the Black Death. And then Rhodri Morgan appears talking about the idea of Tories serving as Ministers as about the equivilent as an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease. Bearing in mind that I believe that we are as committed to good public services as any other party, I find this all hard to take.

But there is no doubt that the Plaid/Labour Coalition now looks the likeliest option. I despair. You can tell its looking serious because there is now talk of Mike German wanting to have a chat with Labour. Not surprising because if things go ahead as it seems likely they will, the Lib Dems are in big trouble and Mike is toast. Only thing that would save him is that his probable successor, Kirsty Williams made such a total horlicks of her scuppering of the Rainbow Coalition at the now infamous Executive Meeting of the Lib Dems at Llandrindod Wells.

There is no doubt at all that Mike is being invited to pick up the phone. And it all finished up with Wayne David having another go at we Tories. Oh Dear. Why doesn't anyone love us?


Anonymous said...

Will someone, anyone, from the Tories tell us how they will work with any Rainbow coalition?

The nitty gritty of things, NHS, language, education, social services, and developing an economy for Wales.

Can they reassure the people of Wales they do not have to pander to Cameron or someone more formidable up in London at every turn?

How much do the Tories really love the Welsh? How would they go about righting the terrible wrongs Labour have done to the poorest and the economy of Wales.

Christopher Glamorgan said...

For those of us that did happen to watch Dragon's Eye yesterday evening, I think you should please take a deep breath as you finish reading this post and accept and follow the three points over the coming months/years:

* Accept that a Plaid-Labour Coalition is likely to happen.
* Mike German will do anything to save his hide before the hunter gets him. Hmm - who is the hunter(s)?
* Tories are not that bad - find one in your constituency and hug him/her at the weekend.

Accept all this and we shall all have no further grey hairs by the end of the year!

P.S. Mrs D has asked me to point out that some Conservatives are more loveable than others - can't think who she's referring to :-D

Anonymous said...

christopher glamorgan said:

"Accept all this and we shall all have no further grey hairs by the end of the year!"

Well I am still none the wiser. It must be a very serene life being a Tory, not allowing political thoughts to upset your equilibrium ;(

Glyn Davies said...

anon - just read the 'Accord'. And its not a case of love the Welsh - I am the Welsh!

Christopher - the Rainbow is not dead yet. And Tories are like like everything else - some good and some not so good.

Anon - being a Tory in Wales is a few things - biut serene is not a word I would have chosen