Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sometimes an outsider sees it more clearly.

I've just received another comment on an old post which I think deserves to be read. Its from an anonymous commenter on a post entitled 'Britishness'. It reads;

"I've been an American Welshman my entire life - an American first and a Welshman always. What's going on over there. We fought the South and got over it. Define and divide the rights so that you know what is right by Welsh law, and what is right by British law and you will have it solved."

Well I don't think its as easy to solve as that, but its about as near to the principle which drives my opinion as anything I've read. Its just nice to have a response which is looking at the constitutional stability angle for a change.


Anonymous said...

The American Welsh are intensely interested in Welsh Affairs, with clubs and associations actively promoting Wales (eg: the Welsh League of Arizona).
Hopefully following independence some of them will reverse the brain drain and return to live and invest and stimulate the nation, as in Ireland.

Anonymous said...

Screening for bowel cancer in people aged 50 to 60 will not be introduced for seven years, the Welsh Assembly Government has admitted.
Your beloved assembly some 10 years since it's inception.
Abolish the damm thing, and quick!

Glyn Davies said...

Alan - Bring them home now is what I say.

anon - I know a bit about this issue and will be posting on it tonight. I'm trying not to be seen as an opposition politician on this one - because the issue matters too much to me.

But I am dissappointed by the Asssembly Governmemt's lack of progress on Bowel Cancer screening. Anyway, its a failure of the Assembly Government, not the Assembly. And its not my beloved Assembly - I tried to persuade people to vote against it. All I do is try to make some constitutional sense of what was established.

Dr. Christopher Wood said...

Alan's right, the American Welsh are intensely interested in Welsh Affairs.

Glyn> The First Minister (Rhodri Morgan) gave a speech in Wales asking Welsh expats to remember Wales. After hearing about that speech I got more interested in the place of my birth, and tried to join WAG sponsored groups to help Welsh businesses with tips on how things are done in the American market place - the WAG admin wanted my home address and upon learning that I lived in the USA told me I was barred from joining. I was God-smacked. There's Rhrodri asking us to get involved in Wales and then there's WAG rules blocking Welsh expats. Go figure.

Dr. Christopher Wood said...

Sorry, typo - the speech in question was given in the USA, where the First Minister asked Welsh "ex-patriates to help develop a dynamic, prosperous Wales to where future descendents would return to live and work". Rhodri asked Welsh expats to be "ambassadors for Wales."

Well, I did try, but it seems Welsh expats are discriminated against because our address is American and not Wales. So much for Rhodri asking "the ex-patriates to help develop a dynamic, prosperous Wales to where future descendents would return to live and work", WAG has rules (so I was told) that forbid Welsh expats with US addresses joining WAG organized entrepreneur groups. "Go Figure".

I found an article that refers to said speech: