Trying to spend some time in the garden at the moment. First group of visitors arrive a week on Thursday - from Llanfair Caereinion Flower Club. I'm also preparing for this year's 'big event', which is the reception on the lawn, following the wedding of No 3 son, Tim and Adrienne in July. So the garden is going to intrude into this blog quite a bit during the next few months. Look on this as a sort of weekly report.
Dusk is now settling on the azaleas, allowing the eye to notice some of their rather less showy comrades. But there's nothing subtle about the first of the red hot pokers to perform, Kniphofia 'Northiae' - No 4 photo. It is both impressive and eye-wateringly, grotesquely phallic. I've chosen to highlight the alliums today - No 2 and No 3 photos. They're very striking, in both whites and allium blue. Perhaps the most dominant shrub at the moment, since the rhodos have passed, is the white Vibernam maresii - Top photo. We have lots of them, because they are easy to divide, take up a lot of space and it was one of the first shrubs we bought when we started gardening.
Most of the work at the moment is putting the finishing touches to last year's major re-vamp - moving the mount, creating the marquee site, building the new rockery, and re-routing the roads and paths. Have to get it all finished by 26th July - so I'm hoping for decent weather over the weekend.
It’s wonderful to see a garden of plants in such harmony. Just a pity then that Lib-Dem local authority politicians in RCT are out of harmony. Take good care to guard any nutty varieties …
'moving the mount' sounds a big job somewhere to practice your speeches
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