I have always been amused by some of the excuses given before our judges and magistrates. The BBC is
reporting today that a 27 year old man from Mid Wales has been ordered to undertake 100 hours community service for exposing himself to a lady motorist as she was overtaking him - and also ordered to pay the lady £250 as compensation. His excuse for doing this was that he was taking a photograph of his genitals to send to his girlfriend!! I do find it difficult to imagine just how he was performing this
manoeuvre. The BBC did not inform us whether he was also given 3 points on his driving licence.
Exactly how did he have time to do this, unless he was driving naked to begin with?! No matter what speed the parties were going, a vehicle is not that big and takes no more than a few seconds to overtake?
Secondly, how did the female driver know ... shouldn't she be looking at the road, for er, such things as oncoming vehicles, since she was overtaking / on the wrong side of the road?
Or did she see this in the mirror after?
For the record, I'm female.
Anon - I'm told that she was driving a lorry, which gave her a bird's eye view of 'things'. I'm also told that the story was all over Radio Cymru, where the gory details were discussed at length.
a birds eye view - or a case of letting the bird see the worm
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