Thursday, August 14, 2008

When the truth is optional.

Been to Guilsfield Show this afternoon. Very nice day, beginning with the 'President's Lunch'. I've known Bill Roberts, boy and man for over 50 years. He was genuinely thrilled by the honour bestowed upon him by his own local community. Bill was positively glowing with pride.

Though I was there with some political intent, having leafleted the village last night, the only political party campaigning seriously was Ukip. It was manned by my very old friend David Rowlands and John Bufton, both of them former and current parliamentary candidates. I was fascinated to hear them inform me of my opinions on several matters - opinions that I had no previous inkling that I held.

Firstly I was told that I'm so committed to devolution that, in effect, I am in support of Welsh Independence. When I informed them that this was not in fact the case, I discovered an absence of any listening gene. Apparently, anyone who is not in favour of abolishing the National Assembly, must be in favour of 'Independence'. I was also told that the Assembly had been established on the instructions of the European Union. I did point out that a referendum was held, but again failed to locate the listening gene. There was plenty more. It seems that I'm in favour of reducing the number of Welsh MPs to 20. No indication whatsoever where this figure came from. We do know that if the same ratio of MPs to electorate applied in Wales as currently does across England, the number of Welsh MPs would fall to 26 - and that this was Conservative policy at the last General Election. If law making powers were to be vested in the National Assembly, a reduction to 26 Welsh MPs would have followed if the Conservatives had won. At least that was what the Manifesto said.

Now I have a general sympathy with Ukip's basic objectives. I too want to retain the United Kingdom as the independent state to which I owe allegiance, and I am an opponent of Wales becoming an independent state. This does not mean that I want the UK to withdraw from the European Union - and it does not mean that I want to persist with the unstable devolutionary settlement that currently exists between my nation (Wales) and my state (the UK). Where a matter is devolved, it should not be half devolved, with the current residual ongoing potential for constitutional conflict. I am in favour of law making powers being granted to the National assembly in all devolved matters. But what I did find extraordinary is that I was listening to two men telling me that my opinions were fundamentally different from what I know them to be. And I suppose that's what they were telling everyone else as well. There's a word for that.


Unknown said...

On whatgrounds do you oppose independendence, Glyn?
What else?

Anonymous said...

and what might that word be glyn

Anonymous said...

I support independence 'at the right time' and now is not the right time - (1) not with Wales being at the very bottom of the British economic league tables (this after 10 years of WAG); and (2) not when Wales's tax base is insufficient to cover bills - wasn't there a recent report pointing to Wales coming up seriously short?

The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) seems unable or unwilling to sensibly manage the Welsh economy - there are sensible positive steps it can take, but instead it does things like insisting new factories not yet leased or sold should pay property tax - thereby discouraging speculative build. With policies like that WAG is sabotaging the Welsh economy instead of nurturing it.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid it's not only UKIP who disapprove of you, Glyn. It's a lot of Tories, too.

Anonymous said...

Let's put it like this, if Glyn Davies is upsetting UKIP and a few Tories - hell, he's got to be doing something right!

As they say someplace else, it's a hell of a life sometimes, and Glyn Davies is the right politician at the right time for Montgomeryshire.

Vote Glyn Davies - Vote Glyn Davies - Vote Glyn Davies - Vote Glyn Davies - Vote Glyn Davies

Glyn Davies said...

Alan - Along with most people, I believe Independence would be extremly disadvantageous to both the peoiple of Wales and the People of the United Kingdom.

Anon 1 - Choose the word you think is most appropriate.

Anon - It may be that international relations may so change over future decades that the concept of 'Independence' becomes meanigless - so I never say never. But I just cannot see any sense at all in going down the Independence road.

Anon 3 - You may be right, but non eof these people you refer to ever approach me. Clearly, since I'm not in favour of withdrawal from the European Union, or adopting a policy of abolition of the National Assembly, there are some who disagree with me. Disagreement is different from disapproval.

Anon 4 - I don't want to antagonose anay Ukip or Conservative members. All I object to is anyone telling me and others that I or my Party stand for policicies when we do not.