Today is video day on this blog. Been no time to write my own posts. Another one that's caught my eye was
this interview with the plain speaking Ken Clarke on the ConservativeHome site. Pity I'd not watched it before my appearance on Pawb a'i Farn last night. It would have given me all the ammunition I needed to respond to an audience question on Government fiscal policy - and I say Government's, rather than Bank of England's deliberately. It seems quite clear to me that decisions about printing extra billions of money to buy up dodgy assets is being directed by the Chancellor, on the instructions of the Prime Minister.
Its a shame that its us lot who are going to be paying for it - £150 Bn in monopoly money is going to cost us at least 2 years more recession - and NuLab and its BBC will be telling everyone for the rest of time how the recession was a Tory problem!
"my appearance on Pawb a'i Farn". LOL!!!!!!! God, you are pompous!!!!
Da iawn ar Pawb A'i Farn neithiwr roedd dy iaith yn arbennig o dda.
Da i weld y cwestiwn am Lembit a fod pawb yn teimlo yr un fath amdano!!!
I'd like to say pretty much the same thing as Caws, thoughtyou came across very well on Pawb a'i Farn and thought you answered the question about Lembit very well.
As someone who has learnt Welsh as an adult aswell - was impressed with your Welsh and could sympathise a little with you being in a slightly "pressure" situation while using your 2nd language.
Anon 1 - I cannot see how anyone can be so precise about the inpact, but I think its madness. Never saw any sense in dropping interest rates once we could see it was making no difference to bank lending - and I'm amazed to see economic 'experts' supporting this money printing.
Caws - Diolch. Roedd rhai yn y cynulleidfa yn cefnogi fe hefyd - yn enwedig pobl ifanc.
Dai twp - Inevitably, there is more pressure, but last night was the first time I've felt fairly comfortable on a Welsh language panel programme. Helps that I like my fellow panellists. Must admit I would have preferred there not to have been a question about my political opponent. Must say that Heledd Fychan really went for him!
Felt Heledd was a little naive in her attack on him rather than taking the more mature outward face on the topic as you have Glyn.
As for the young people supporting him - I think even the majority of that age group is seeing through him.
His antics in the pubs of Newtown is wearing a bit thin - not that I expect you to get drawn in on the subject!!!!
Caws - Heledd is young and interestingly fiesty. Must admit I'm not keen on being asked about him. When people are over-rude, I always think it makes others more supportive. And it would be quite wrong not to acknowledge that he is an extremely able man when he wants to be.
Heledd is in good company. Plaid Cymru in general are very naive - there student politics role in Welsh Assembly being an example. Look at the naive in-fighting going on inside Plaid. As pointed out by others, Plaid speaks with two voices on nuclear issues. Then there's the issue of top-up fees. That Heledd can't get beyond attacks on Lembit says it all really. Plaid is in two, maybe three, make that four, holes on policy.
Anon - To be fair, it was not Heledd that asked the question, and it was all she was asked about. But it does look as if Plaid are having a bit of trouble growing up. Handling disagreements is one of the most important skills in politics.
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