The only reason to grow Prunus 'serrula' is for its trunk. Its really glossy and I'm told rather phallic when the tree is about three years old. In my experience, this tree grows quite quickly, but will not become any taller than twenty feet. i think it looks better if some lower branches are removed - usually the case when the trunk is the attractive feature. There's another one in the background, together with two specimen River Birchs.
And sorry about the layout of this post. Just cannot get things right tonight.
The Bute Park Arboritum is worth a visit, bit unfortunate that the trees aren't labeled. There's a very nice avenue of Gengko's behind the castle running parallel wtih the Tennis courts.
It's unfortunate that Wales doesn't have it's own National Arboritum like Westonbirt in South Glocestershire.
anon - I will make a point of visiting. Where precisely is it? I agree about Westonbirt.
It's the patch of green, three of the four sides are enclosed by the river Taff, Castle Street and North Road, google Cardiff Castle and click on Maps
Found it yet?
Then click on satellite, zoom in at the top on the castle, you will see tennis courts, to the left an avenue of gengkos, underneath the tennis courts is a avenue (short) of Tulip trees.
anons - thanks
...aim to please.
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