Thursday, March 04, 2010

Pysgod a Sglodion.

Boris Johnson is a star. Listen to this chat with Adrian Masters, and admire. He has a good understanding of devolution as well. I have not the slightest doubt that he would favour law making powers in all devolved policy areas for the National Assembly, if the issues were laid out before him. His hair is out of control, but his thought processes are precision personified.


Anonymous said...

Boris for PM!

Glyn Davies said...

Anon - Sometime perhaps.

Tcoah said...

Well at least Boris comes up with solutions - Cameron seems to be devoid of them, and the leader of the Conservative Party in Wales doubly so.

There needs to be clear blue water between Labour and the Conservative Party.

Wales has several big problems/issues including, but not limited to: (1) Wales is at the bottom of the UK economic league tables; (2) has an awful GVA rating compared to the UK average; (3) a university system devoid of world-class universities (Scotland has three universities in the world's top 100 ranked universities while Wales has NONE) - it seems these stats have not registered on the Education Minister Leighton Andrews, but hey: It could register on the leader of the Welsh Conservatives who could come up with some real solutions beyond merely fiddling with business tax rates.

Wales needs JOBS … the Welsh CP leader will gain much support from disenchanted Welsh Labour voters if he comes up with solutions, ideas, plans to tackle this key issue of JOBS head on.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading about devolution on another blog and was slightly worried when I came across this:

This could have a real impact upon rural Wales and its people - A new unelected public body has been slammed for the undemocratic way it dictates key areas of Welsh life such as new nuclear power stations, windfarms and reservoirs. The new Infrastructure Planning Commission set up by the UK Government is "a body blow for democracy in Wales"

The new commission will be able to completely bypass the local planning process and locate developments where it sees fit. Despite the fact that half the projects currently under consideration are located in Wales, there is no Welsh representation on the commission and the Assembly has no say in its decisions.

Rooster Shamblin said... would you please spend a few minutes reading my blog about all things chicken. I have been raising more than 50 breeds of chickens 40 years.

Anonymous said...

Boris Johnson couldn't care less about the Assembly.

Stop. Banging. On. About. It.


Glyn Davies said...

Anon - All true I'm afraid. The driving force behind the establishment of the Infrastructure Planning Committee was the need to build new nuclear power stations. The Labour Government had failed to confront the issue of the approaching 'energy gap' until a panic situation arrived and, in effect, much of the planning process was jettisoned.

Anon - I cannot be certain, but I cannot recall ever using the name of Boris Johnson and the National Assembly in the same post before.