Friday, January 04, 2008

Starting 2008 with a 'Bang'.

I'm told that today's issue of my local weekly, the Montgomeryshire County Times has a headline about our local MP, Lembit Opik 'Starting the new year with a 'bang'. My informant was clearly implying some sort of innuendo was implied - but I said that this could not be. I know that the media have reported on some very personal details of his private life in the past, but the County Times would never stoop so low. What seems to have happened is that the newspaper had wanted a comment from him on the marriage of his former fiancee, Sian Lloyd, who married in a haze of love last weekend - and he was available for a media opportunity at a local shooting range. Perhaps he's seen all these photographs of Vladimir Putin, armed and stripped to the waist, looking manly. In fact I saw our intrepid 'hunter' when the BBC showed a clip from the same media opp two days ago. He was handling the 12 bore shotgun as if it was a musical instrument. Anyway, it wouldn't surprise me to see the headline, 'Bang Bang Lembit' appearing in Private Eye next week.


Anonymous said...

Bang Bang Lembit, your career is dead! His comments on the BBC website were most inappropriate and bitter and say a lot about him. He's handled the Sian Lloyd "problem" in an abysmal way. He continues to play the middle aged buffoon with a weird popster, whilst Ms Lloyd goes from strength to strength and does so with dignity. We're all looking forward to her book Sunshine and Showers and hope she's been brave enough to expose this dangerous lothario for what he really is. Bang Bang Lembit, your comments on her marriage mean you've shot yourself in the foot yet again......

Dr. Christopher Wood said...

I Approve This Message
Lembit, the thing about Lembit, the real McCoy on Lembit ... well ... the subcellular sub-organell sub-molecular sub-atomic piece of dark matter has no Mojo.

Anonymous said...

Lembit Opik really has become his own worst enemy. It'll be very interesting to see what happens over the next 18 months or so, as it appears there may well be a gerneral election in the summer of 2009. If the LibDems have any sense, they will replace L.O with someone the Montgomeryshire people can respect, however, if he hangs in there - then it will be a cert for you, as I don't know anyone who would vote for Lembit now. He has done himself such damage with his obsession with celebrity and his cheesygirl (sic) girlfriend.

Glyn Davies said...

all - never underestimate the power of name recognition. Our MP and I are about as different in our approach to politics as you can be. He just does it his way. But even though I don't like the 'celebrity' approach, I am game for some fun when its appropriate. After all I did 'Stictly Come Dancing' a few weeks ago! What I'll do is work hard and try to communicate best that I can. Its important to have tried one's best in any sort of competition.

Dr. Christopher Wood said...

This “name recognition business”, could it possibly be that “celebs” have the smallest independent piece of neutron star matter unable to mature as a “black hole” (unless present in what passes for a Lib-Dem brain), but able to attract waves of celeb-level attention, just that Lembit Opik has said neutron particle in an organ of variable 3D-geometry.