I want to enjoy it personally and make it as constructive as possible for Montgomeryshire. So change is afoot. For the last 18 mths, serving as a member of the Energy and Climate Change Committee has needed a big commitment. It was abolished last week. So I've secured a place on the Environmental Audit Select Committee. This will also need a big commitment. First meeting on Tuesday. See how it goes. Will also be a member of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee. For the time being at least. We are spending tmrw afternoon at the Canadian High Commission as part of a study into how devolution operates around the world. And I want to help Welsh Ministers, Alun Cairns and Guto Bebb as much as I can. Two biggest issues (amongst many) will be Wales Bill and impact of leaving the EU on Wales, especially Rural Wales. Will spend Thursday this week with the NFU at a Brexit conference in Llandrindod. There are several All Party Political Groups I want to spend more time with, including establishing a Colombia APPG. The President is coming to Westminster on Tuesday as part of his state visit. I have one Colombian constituent at least, and another two half Colombian constituents!
On top of this Parliament based work, I want to become more involved in constituency issues, even if most are devolved and not matters for me. It's a question of making my job satisfying and enjoyable. All this work means a significant cutback in social networking. I enjoy Facebook. Most of my 'friends' are Mid Wales based. But there are several thousand of them - way too many. Over the next month, I will go through the list (alphabetically) removing those who shouldn't be there, and probably don't want to be there. If I defriend anyone who actually wants to remain, let me know. I'll apologise and add again. Will probably drop Twitter altogether. Have thousands 'following' me - for no obvious purpose. Going to limit my social networking to an hour per night, which should allow for stimulating a Facebook discussion and a photograph - plus a daily blogpost which I find helps me arrange my thoughts in order. Starting today. So apologies to Adam Ant for de-friending him!