Took a huge risk today. We parked the Party's Euro Launch 'Advan' on the cross in Newtown, and young Ben Breeze from Sarn and I put ourselves at the mercy of passing motorists. And we made a bit of an impact. Amazingly, not one derogatory comment did I hear from a passing car or pedestrian - and there were lots of them. It was about 5 o'clock. An 'extra' strolled over from the Angel and asked if he could join our group photograph. Well, why not? Must admit its a bit confusing to the public, because neither Ben nor I are candidates in next month's elections to the European Parliament. But needs must. Our candidates were too busy elsewhere, signing pledges about how open and transparent they are going to be if they are elected. But anyway, this Euro election is going to be dominated by UK Parliament issues. A good photo-opportunity for me though. I asked Ian 'Splash' who does our photography for a frame of just me and the message. It will be useful for my General Election campaign. My first day out with leaflets today, and I feel much more optimistic than I did after reading yet more headlines in today's Telegraph about the misdemeanors of MPs.
Vote for Change - darn right!
Vote out Speaker Michael Martin!
How did it go Glyn?
Popeye the Sailorman would make a better "speaker" than Michael Martin.
And vote for change in Montgomeryshire - not before time.....
Having said - Lets just have a vote as a starter.
Sarah - Pity thgere was no candidate there, but I thought we made a bit of an impression. It went quite well.
MHS - I understand that Popeye was a very impressive sailorman.
Anon - Well I'll drink to that.
Yes I agree. You've no idea the lengths we went to yesterday and then today to discover the timetable for the candidates. It involved 4 cllrs from powys, 1 from wrexham, suzy davies and gareth jones from b and r and somewhere in the region of 16 phone calls. Probably easier than it was for you guys standing outside Fuze **the best shop in Newtown by the way** in the rain.
Evan and Kay to win!!
All the cooking implements and kitchen appliances in my owner's kitchen have taken a snap poll.
All agree that the Speaker should 'catch some surf'.
Who is this Ben Breeze? Your Young Conservative chairman I presume?
Sarah - Only constuctive policy is to just get on with it - candidates or no candidates. And make a success of it anyway.
NDC - Well, he's caught some.
Roman - Hadn't met Ben until yesterday. He's a young man from the Sarn area who joined us for the launch. We have a few new faces becoming involved at the moment.
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