Thursday, February 23, 2017

Best EDM of the Year so far

Because I'm a PPS in the Wales Office I'm not supposed to sign up to Early Day Motions. Must admit this is one of the more sensible Parliamentary conventions. But I can see no reason why I cannot give publicity to the work of the wonderful Ann Clwyd MP. Not many MPs were able to attend the showing of the Ross Kemp film yesterday afternoon. Think I was the only Conservative there. It was shocking and moving, portraying the cruel brutal awful reality behind the refugee crisis in Libya. The position in Aleppo, and refugee camps on the Syrian border (Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan) will be much the same - though with better structure for support in part. Perhaps what should truly concern us in Europe in the consequences of spill over of 'failed state' reality to Nigeria and other states.

Treatment of Migrants and Refugees in Libya

That this House is shocked by the appalling treatment of migrants and refugees in Libya by state officials and illegal people trafficking networks, as depicted by the very powerful Ross Kemp documentary Libya’s Migrant Hell, shown at a Parliamentary screening organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group; notes with considerable concern that many making the journey to Libya in the hope of reaching Europe are fleeing violent conflict and famine in their home countries; calls on the UK Government and its partners within the international community to assist Libyan officials, and international and domestic humanitarian organisations, as a matter of urgency, to ensure that migrants and refugees within that country are treated with dignity, provided with adequate food and basic healthcare, and not subjected to ill-treatment; further calls on the UK Government and others to do much more to address the underlying causes resulting in increased flows of migrants and refugees, as well as to ensure that safe and legal channels into Europe are provided for those who qualify for international protection.    

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