This blog reported on the selection of County Councillor Russell George as Montgomeryshire's Conservative Candidate to fight the National Assembly election next May 5th
here. Today Russell's first campaign election meeting was held in the Welshpool Conservative Association office. I happened to call in, and everyone was so engrossed in the task in hand that my presence was not noticed - exactly as it should be. This young man means business. What's really great for me is that he is 'organised' - which I'm not. We could prove to be a winning team. Only thing that bugs me is that he's half an inch taller than I am - which is obvious from this photograph taken on the evening of his selection. Russ is even less politically tribal than I am. He just wants to be a good representative for Montgomeryshire. Why not come and join our team.
Half an inch taller ...
... and, judging by the photo, wearing lifts too!
Let's say goodbye to the likes of Basher Bates and Grope-it Opik forever and see the back of the Lib Dums in Montgomeryshire
Join the team, sounds a good idea...
Russell George would make an excellent AM.
He's more handsome than you too Glyn (Sorry for pointing out the obvious)
Love the photo! Looks like Russ is taking time out to visit an retirement home
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