Monday, November 06, 2006

Sensible U-Turn at the National Trust.

I see that the members of the National Trust have voted almost 2 to 1 to support the return of hunting of deer on its property. It was also great to see the splendid Labour MP for Vauxhall, Kate Hoey in Carmarthen last week. She is the Chair of the Countryside Alliance and a politician of deep principles and she was calling for the Hunting Ban to be reversed. I was really sorry that I couldn't go to meet her and the CA's dynamic Chief Executive, Simon Hart who lives in the area. I hope that David Cameron stands by his promise to overturn the Hunting with Dogs Act when he becomes Prime Minister. It is an act conceived in prejudice and unworkable in practice. I have just become an even more avid supporter of the National Trust


Anonymous said...

That you consider chasing and killing wild animals for 'sport' should be brought back to our countryside just shows the Tory party hasn't changed.
Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

What a cold heartless person you sound Glyn Davies. Obviously extremely ignorant about the hypocrisy and cruelty involved in hunting. Cruelty such as terrier-work,and/or chasing an animal until it's exhausted, then delighting in the spectacle as the hounds rip their victim apart.
For Gods sake Mr Davies, get a conscience.

Glyn Davies said...

Wow! That is strong stuff Judi and anon.. Actually I have never hunted, and have not killed a wild animal except rats, rabbits and moles for 40 years - and will never do so again. I have not fished for 40 years either. It is just that I believe the best environment in which wild animals and fish thrive is one sustained by country sports. And there is no evidence whatsoever that being killed by hounds is any more cruel than being shot or gassed. Where I do agree with those opposed to hunting is that I find it difficult how humans can actually enjoy killing wild animals. I have colleagues in every political party who oppose a ban on hunting and the post you have commenting on refers to a Labour MP

Anonymous said...

All that hunting has lost is its cruelty. No jobs gone, no horses or hounds put down, the countryside has not been destroyed. These were all the crap arguments put out by those who believe that sadism is fun.

Please, Tories, promise to put back the cruelty into hunting. That will guarantee you a good thrashing in the next Welsh Assembly elections. Put it in your manifesto Glyn.

Anonymous said...

Kate Hoey ...a Labour MP?

She is an Ulster Unionist in full prejudice if not in label.

Anonymous said...

Mr Davies, I am sickened by your comments re hunting. You are disregarding the voice of the majority of the country and Parliament who voted against this sick and cruel 'PASTIME', I will not give it the credibility of calling it a sport. This is a DEMOCRACY and the country voted against this barbaric pursuit. You make it very clear in your post that you are against cruelty, (of course rabbits, rats and moles dont count)! you dont fish etc etc yet your remarks show gross hypocrisy, you cleary side with the Countryside Alliance or should I say the Blood Sports Enthusiasts, citing its 'leader' Simon Hart as being dynamic, well so are we , the anti blood sports people, There IS PLENTY of evidence to show hunting with dogs causes pain and suffering to animals, did you read the BURNS REPORT Mr Davies! SHAME ON YOU, THOS WHO HAVE A CONSCIENCE WILL SEE THIS BLOODY CRUEL PASTIME IS NOT MADE LEGAL AGAIN AND IF YOU THINK NOT YOU UNDERESTIMATE US AND THE POWER OF DEMOCRACY

Anonymous said...

Kate Hoey 'a woman of deep principles!! What a joke!
I have no time for this Government but I will be voting for them at the next election PURELY to see that hunting does not come back