Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Azaleas. Garden on fire

Late May and through June, our garden is on fire with Azaleas. They really can be breath taking. Better this year than ever. We have about 80 of them. Here's a sample that I want to share.

Strictly speaking this is a Rhododendron yakushimanum (below).  Included it because I think it an absolute beauty, which will never grow more than 4' tall. And its white. We have lots of white Azaleas too, but they are mostly only 3 or 4 yrs old, and not so impressive.


John Jones said...

Glyn would you have any seeds for sale about January time?

Anonymous said...

Glyn, the NSA have better pictures of your garden...

Anonymous said...

the NSA has better pictures of your garden - they even know the size and shape of your ____